Monday, November 1, 2010

Poll Results: What is your favorite type of haunted attraction?

What is your favorite type of haunted attraction?

traditional haunted house 5 (35%)
hayride 2 (14%)
screampark (theme park event) 1 (7%)
backyard haunts 1 (7%)
outdoor trails 6 (42%)
haunts with consistent theming from beginning to end 6 (42%)
theatrical haunts (stopping in each scene for actors to do something) 2 (14%)
guided haunts 2 (14%)
self-guided haunts 9 (64%)

Judging from these results it would seem that if you had a self-guided outdoor trail with consistent theming from beginning to end you should do pretty well.  Sounds like fun to me!  What do you think?  Is that the description of a haunted attraction you would want to attend?  Let us know with a comment or email.  Maybe someone out there reading will create it or evolve an existing one into it. 

I only wish that we had a higher number of votes cast (only 14 people voted, and we allowed you to select more than one response) so that we could have more valid data.