Sunday, November 1, 2015

Scream on the Trail, Snellville, GA 2015

                Scream on the Trail is located in Snellville, Georgia.  This outdoor trail is in a different location from where we have visited them.  This trail is not particularly long, although it is intimidating by appearances.  The natural decay of buildings on the site are able to evoke emotions of heightened concern which feed into your fear as you continue forward.  Some of our favorite parts of their attraction include actors who are able to appear out of nowhere and vanish just as quickly.  That managed to get a couple of jump scares for even us.  The location is difficult to find, so we would highly recommend driving slowly on the road as you get near or you will miss it.  Though we can't say much about them without giving away scares which they would benefit from continuing to use we can say that their actors were brilliant and highly flexible, even though there weren't nearly enough of them.  We rate them with 3 severed heads out of a possible five and hope that you get a chance to visit them in the future.